About Childhood Depression

Among the basic misconceptions about childhood depression is:” what do youngsters have to be blue about?” Maybe this reveals a couple of misunderstandings about childhood depression and what it is. It's indeed rather similar to clinical depression-borrowing from medical language and isn't just blue moods resulting from a youngster being ‘depressed’ cause they've just been punished or have been told they can’t get something. No, childhood depression is to a greater extent intrusive into the youngsters very existence might be long-lasting and if not attended dangerous.



Maybe another misconception might have to do with us believing, being a youngster is an unworried, trouble free stage of human life. Not inevitably, with peer acceptance, school and loved ones expectations, it's enough to make a youngster fret and could be a big factor to be considered in reference to dealing with an instance of childhood depression.


What To Look For:


  1. Departure of concern in hobbies and activities
  2. Sharp alteration in appetite
  3. Alteration in rest patterns (either increase or decrease).
  4. Trouble concentrating.
  5. Making devaluing statements like “I’m not good enough; I’m a stupid person…”
  6. Relentless sorrow.
  7. Repeating thoughts of self-destruction
  8. Inordinate clinging or withdrawal

If you observe any of these in your youngster’s behavior it might be time to look for help. But, bear in mind, the opening move might be a good candid talk with your youngster.


Devote 30 minutes or more a day for outdoor recreation for yourself and your loved ones. Visits to the zoo, dynamic play, and swimming tend to alleviate stress produced in the home, school, and work and this might go a long way in helping in curing childhood depression in the household.

Make attempts yourself to be upbeat as much as conceivable as youngsters do mimic what their parents perpetually do.